Lesson 3 - Maya Object Properties. Shape Node, Input Nodes, Transform Node and Initial shading group
Lesson 4 - Maya Modeling Tools. Extrude, Combine and Bridge tools. Converting Component selection.
Lesson 8 - Maya Modeling Tools - Fill Hole, Insert Edge loop, Reduce , Remesh and Retopologize.
0:16Introductory video about what the tutor and what you will learn in this training course.
Describes maya user interface. Menus , Panels, Rollouts, Configurations and the rest
Here we will learn about maya shelves, menus, the channel box, attribute editor and the modeling tool kit. Object creation, selection, transformation and manipulation. Component mode.
In this lesson, we will learn about the various nodes that makes up an object. The transformation node, the shape node, the input nodes and the initial shading group. Lambert shader. The basic way objects in maya works.
In this video we will learn about the Extrusion tool in Maya and its options. Extrusion offset, taper, division, and extrusion along a curve. The Bridge tool in Maya. we will look at bridging edges and faces, twist and divisions. lastly, we will see how to combine multiple objects together.
In this lesson we will look at the various tools in the modeling tool kit in Maya 2020. We will discuss how to combine and separate objects. How to smooth objects with different subdivisions. lastly, we will talk about Boolean operation on objects. we will be looking at Intersection, Difference and Union options in Boolean.
In this video, we will learn about the Multicut tool in Maya 2020, the Add subdivision tool, the Connect tool and its settings. Also we will see how to make an object a live surface. lastly we will take a look at how Quad draw on a live surface works.
In this lesson, we will continue to look at more modeling tools. We will looking at Detaching a face, merging vertexes by the distance threshold, merge vertex to center, collapsing a face, duplicating a face, extracting a face from an object and poke and Wedge tool.
In this video we will see how to fill holes in a mesh, how to insert edge loops across multiple edges, how to reduce mesh density by reducing polygon count or percentage. And finally how to change the geometry topology by using retopologize function.
In this video we will see how to Mirror objects, along with its settings. We will also see how to solve flipped normals issues by using Conform. lastly we will see the edit edge flow function.
in this video, we will see how to create a bezier curve in Maya; how to manipulate its handles. Extrude tool and its settings. Rebuild function. U and V spans. Then finally we will see how to convert a NURBS surface to a polygon surface
In this video, we will see how to model objects like curtains with the LOFT tools under NURBS surfaces. We will also consider the REVOLVE tool to make circular objects like wine glasses and the rest. Then how to convert NURBS surfaces to polygonal objects
In this video, we are continuing the project by modeling the Cushion pillow.
In this series of videos, we will be modeling the Interior walls of the house, starting from the living room to the bed room, kitchen, and toilet.